HolyCoast: Virginia AG: Colleges Can't Create Their Own Protected Classes
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Saturday, March 06, 2010

Virginia AG: Colleges Can't Create Their Own Protected Classes

There must be moans and wails coming from Virginia halls of higher learning today:
Virginia's attorney general is advising the state's public colleges to rescind policies that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Kenneth Cuccinelli says in a letter to college presidents and other officials that only the General Assembly can determine which classes of people are protected by state government nondiscrimination policies.

Proposals to ban such discrimination against gays have repeatedly failed in the legislature. The Republican attorney general says in the letter, dated Thursday, that state institutions cannot adopt a policy position rejected by the General Assembly.

Virginia's Democratic Party chairman says colleges can set their own policies. Gay-rights activists say Cuccinelli's move could cost Virginia top students and faculty.
So, they might lose a few Interior Decorating majors and politically correct professors, but if that's the cost of complying with the law, so be it.

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