HolyCoast: Wall Street Journal: Democrat "Abuse of Power"
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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Wall Street Journal: Democrat "Abuse of Power"

The Wall Street Journal hits the Democrats right between the eyes on their plan to pass Obamacare via reconciliation:
A string of electoral defeats and the great unpopularity of ObamaCare can't stop Democrats from their self-appointed rendezvous with liberal destiny—ramming a bill through Congress on a narrow partisan vote. What we are about to witness is an extraordinary abuse of traditional Senate rules to pass a bill merely because they think it's good for the rest of us, and because they fear their chance to build a European welfare state may never come again.
That's just the beginning. Read the rest of it here.

Obama is expected to announce that he will go the reconciliation route during his speech today. It's time for the GOP Senators to go to war.

1 comment:

~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

These stupid dems in power are going to ram this down our throats because they know better than we do how to take care of ourselves. Gag me now. Please.