HolyCoast: We're in a Civil War
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We're in a Civil War

We just haven't started shooting...yet. Dennis Prager offers some advice on what to do next. I'm going to give you his bullet points and let you read the rest of it:
1. Know and teach America’s core values.

2. Recognize that we are fighting the Left, not liberals.

3. Democrats should be referred to as Social Democrats.

4. Work tirelessly to repeal the bill.

5. Our motto: “The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.”

6. Do not let other matters distract us.

7. Acknowledge that we are in a non-violent civil war.

Just a couple of comments. I don't really see any difference between the left and liberals. They seem to be one and the same.

And I'm not sure how long this civil war will remain non-violent.


Ann's New Friend said...

Amen. And those of us in blue states we have to start talking to our "liberal" neighbors, getting in their faces (to quote our president) but getting in their faces as much to listen as to talk.

So many good people voted for this guy thinking he was something else. Some of them trust him so much that they're just not paying attention. (Maybe they don't even want to know the truth since they've been taught that they're guilty of all the liberal crimes.)

We have to figure out what motivates people, listen, care, and look for opportunities to plant some healthy skepticism into their world -- respectful interference in their mistaken notions.

I really think if people knew who he is, the buyer remorse will come. Even on his side, it would grow if they know some of what we know.

We have to have faith in the human heart. God is allowing things to happen -- perhaps the point is to change the nation's heart not just restore its laws.

Larry Sheldon said...


Glenn Beck has some lectures that deal very well with the (and accurately, in my opinion) with the real issues.

My summary:

Many people draw a continuum from Communism-Marxism-Socialism, Liberalism and Democrats on the left (exact order irrelevant, put them in any way you are comfortable with) and Republicans-Rightists-Conservatives-Fascists on the right.

And that is all wrong.

First, some clarifications, as I see them.

Maoism (left that out up there-pure oversight) Marxist, (toss in Leninism and Stalinism), Communism, Socialism, AND Fascism are all flowers on the same bush. (Socialism: State ownership of the means of production. Fascism: State control of the means of production.) All are totalitarian (along with pure monarchies).

Liberal: Originally a movement to take power from the state (monarchy) and give it to the people.

Conservative: Originally applied to people who wanted to retain power in the aristocracy.

Some irony there.

Republican: a form of government by representatives elected by the people.

Democratic: government by the people.

Now to the crux of the matter.

The continuum runs (in the horizontal by tradition only, no real meaning in the direction) from Anarchy to Totalitarianism.

Republican to Democratic should be an axis at right angles to it whose length is a maximum in the middle of the horizontal and whose length vanishes at either end.

Democracy is too unwieldy for groups larger than a few hundred at max, some form of representational (republican) government has to be used for larger groups.

Beck really does a better job of explaining it.

Larry Sheldon said...

In case I came across as a solo nut-job, I'd point out that Glenn Beck did a well studied TV piece (or two?) on it, but if you think I'm a nut, you probably think I am too.

But to add to the list, another late-come to my position (I've taught this since the 1950's), here is W. Cleon Skousen about it in a book with what might be the longest title I've ever seen: "A miracle that changed the world -- The 5000 Lear Leap -- Principles of Freedom 101".

(5000 years ago feller named Moses was talking about how we should govern ourselves.)