HolyCoast: Where in the World is Loretta?
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Where in the World is Loretta?

The Orange County congresswoman who beat B1 Bob Dornan many elections ago has suddenly gone missing (h/t Laura):
As their whip efforts narrow to just a handful of Members, House Democratic leaders are facing an unlikely problem vote: Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.).

Sanchez was nowhere to be found on Saturday — she was in Florida on a fundraising jaunt, two Democratic sources said — and while leaders expected her to return for the Sunday vote on final passage, they weren’t assured. What’s more, leaders now list the Orange County Democrat as a “no” vote.

Sanchez’s office did not return a request for comment Saturday evening. She cast her last vote shortly after 6 p.m. Friday and missed all seven recorded votes on Saturday, a review of the record shows.

Democratic hand-wringing about her status — geographically and intentionally — underlines just how tight the margin has become for leaders trying to zero in on 216 votes as the clock ticks down to their appointed deadline. Leaders are still hunting for a winning coalition of votes — and still struggling for a breakthrough abortion fix that will convert three or four holdouts angling for tougher protections against public funding of the procedure.
Perhaps the safest vote on Obamacare is no vote at all. If she votes yes her D+5 district might suddenly get a lot closer. If she votes no the illegals that make up a lot of her district might get their feelings hurt and encourage their legal cousins not to vote for her next time.

If she doesn't vote at all...well, that might be the smartest strategy of all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...check the Applachian Trail....;)