HolyCoast: Where's the Bill?
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Where's the Bill?

It's still being "tweaked":
President Obama pledged in an interview with Fox News on Wednesday that the final provisions of his health care plan "are going to be posted for many days before this thing passes" to give the public a chance to review it.

But not so fast.

As of Thursday afternoon, the final version of the bill had not yet been posted to a congressional Web site and the highly touted Congressional Budget Office cost estimates were still listed only as "preliminary."

That means the 72-hour window Democrats are promising to give the public to review the language has not actually started. Only after the bill is posted to the House Rules Committee Web site does that clock start ticking.

The bill has not yet been released because lawmakers are still tweaking it. "Changes are being made even now," Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., said.

We're hearing that Obama has now pushed back his Asia trip...again...to push for Obamacare. The Asians must be feeling very special about now.

1 comment:

MRedd said...

How can changes be made to THE Senate bill? Isn't this supposed to go to Conference to do that? Even so, doesn't the Senate have to approve changes before it can be signed?