HolyCoast: Whitman Crushing Poizner, Leading Moonbeam
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Whitman Crushing Poizner, Leading Moonbeam

The Field Poll has released numbers for the California governor's race and things are looking good for former eBay CEO Meg Whitman. In the GOP primary match-up Whitman leads Steve Poizner 63% - 14%, due no doubt to Whitman's nearly constant TV ads. I'm thinking Poizner probably should start seriously considering withdrawal from the race rather than waste any more money and effort.

In the race against former Gov. Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown, the likely Dem candidate, Whitman leads 46% to 43%.

The knock on Whitman is she could be another Arnold Schwarzenegger in terms of political disposition, much more moderate than conservative, but the only hope we have of keeping California completely out of the toilet is keeping the Democrats out of the governor's mansion. If we get a liberal Dem governor combined with a liberal legislature, the State's finished.


Larry Sheldon said...

I think ou should show some respect.

When he was g..... When he occupied the Governor's office, he was Captain Moonbeam.

I wonder what ever happened to Linda Ronstadt, his main squeeze (don't think that was her official title, but I forgetO.

Did y'all make a shrine out his Plymouth?.

Larry Sheldon said...

Did a little binging to see what the answer to either of my questions might me and was forced to come to the conclusion that I might be wrong.

Maybe I was thinking of Captain Zero, who was my District Manager at about the same time.