HolyCoast: Who Will be the Next Senator From Texas?
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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Who Will be the Next Senator From Texas?

Erick Erickson at RedState is ticked at the GOP for what he sees as a reluctance to support quality minority candidates for Senate:
It is starting to get really disgusting.

First, the GOP said it needed diversity and chose the orange Charlie Crist over the Latino, Marco Rubio.

Then the GOP said it needed to do better outreach in the black community, so it ignored Michael Williams in Texas and tried to find a rich white guy to run for the Senate.

Now that Kay Bailey Hutchison has lost the Texas primary to Rick Perry without even making it into a runoff, the Washington, D.C. Republicans are scared to death a black man might actually get appointed to the Senate as a Republican.

Kay Bailey Hutchison has said over and over and over, as recently as a few weeks ago, that she would leave the Senate by November. Now the Senate Republicans are begging her to stay so they don’t have to have Michael Williams.


Michael Williams is not only black, but he is a Jim DeMint supported conservative.

This is really sick.
Marco Rubio is now completely crushing Charlie Crist in Florida, no thanks to the GOP. Crist was the establishment candidate but is being rejected by Republican voters.

Michael Williams would be a great addition to the Senate and would be more conservative than the Senator he'd be replacing. I'd love to know why the GOP is worried about having him in that position. I'm confident it's not a racial thing, but more likely fears that Williams could not win election on his own in Texas. That, and the fact that many in the higher echelons of the GOP don't like real conservatives. They prefer the country club Charlie Crist-type candidates.

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