HolyCoast: Why the Libs Never Understood 9/11
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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Why the Libs Never Understood 9/11

I was taking the long 3.1 mile walk around Lake Mission Viejo and as usual was thinking about a lot of different things. Mostly outrage over Obamacare and the unconstitutional maneuvers being attempted in the House and Senate. I couldn't help but think that liberals live in a very different country than the rest of us.

Somehow that got me thinking about the 9/11 attacks and how quickly the libs lost the sense of national unity and patriotism that affected the rest of us. I didn't see any bright lights or hear any booming voices, but I had a bit of a revelation. I realized that the liberals did not feel they were attacked that day.

The liberals looked at 9/11 as an attack on Big Business/Capitalism (World Trade Center), the Military (Pentagon), and to a lesser extent George Bush, who they hated for "stealing" the election in 2000. The libs hate Big Business and the Military, and have spent their lives trying to destroy both of them. George Bush was the most hated man in the liberal universe. Consequently, the libs didn't really have a dog in the 9/11 fight. It was easy for them to revert to their pre-9/11 mentality while the rest of the country was looking for revenge.

The fourth jet never made it to Washington D.C., but I can't help but wonder how different the liberal attitude might have been had that jet hit the U.S. Capitol. Would that have forced them to realize that all Americans are enemies in the eyes of the terrorists, or would they have justified the wreckage at the Capitol as an attack on the Republican majorities?

We'll never know.


Anonymous said...

Of course the libs would assign it to hatred of Republicans, it's all their mental mentality elitist minds can handle. After all, they're pure as the new (yellow) fallen snow.

Larry Sheldon said...

That is quite a revelation.

(As an aside, I don't see a Democrats versus Republicans thing, or even a democrats versus republicans thing.

I'm not clear on what grouping labels fit, but it is going to be some kind of despot versus freemen thing.

Think about it. Mr. Moore's recitation clearly puts the Moslems and the liberals together on one side, us freedom loving people on the other.

Regardless of what you think of him, Glenn Beck had a discussion the other day that clearly illustrates this labeling problem.

The issue is not Left on one end of a continuum and Right one the other (or left-right or most any of the popular label pairs.

It is anarchy on one side and totalitarian government on the other.

One of the popular pairs is "fascist" and "socialist".

But both are a form of socialism and belong on the same end of the line.

Larry Sheldon said...

Larry should get his own blog.

jan said...

Good thoughts....

Ann's New Friend said...

Living in the Washington area, ground zero deux, I'm always amazed at how out of touch people are still with what happened on 9/11. As much by the fact that we were a target, as by the fact that every branch of the military has quarters here.

Whenever I go south I see yellow ribbons everywhere. Here, you don't see them anywhere.

Lefties believe "we deserved it." That's their mantra. Look at their core philosophies, though, and it's no mystery.