HolyCoast: Why Wait Until November to Lose The Country When You Can Lose it In March
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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Why Wait Until November to Lose The Country When You Can Lose it In March

There's an interesting post over at Red State on the potential fallout from a Dem decision to use the "Slaughter Solution", a unconstitutional rule in the House of Representatives, to try and pass Obamacare. It's too long to excerpt here so I'll just direct you to the link.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

I'm not sure I agree that violence will result -- perhaps I'm just unwilling to believe that -- or maybe it's just the deep-etched memory of the September 12 rally on Washington that was more like a 4th of July than a protest.

I think the next American revolution will be fought with money rather than with guns. Anyway, we have all the guns. The NRA - Republican. The military, mostly Republican. The police -- still remembering how "stupid" the cop from Cambridge was judged to be thanks to Big O.

I see tax revolt, possibly preceeded by a refusal to complete the Census (which would be a kind of warning shot). A monetary disruption of government, which would certainly be extremely messy but not violent.

I'm not saying there's no violence. Statistical logic suggests that unhinged individuals will come out of their nooks and unhing in public. But the American citizens are righteous and I predict they'll adopt righteous means to stop dictatorship in its tracks.

We are the children of the Greatest Generation, after all.