HolyCoast: The Year of Our...Well, Disembodied Cosmic Being Who May or May Not Exist
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Year of Our...Well, Disembodied Cosmic Being Who May or May Not Exist

It's always entertaining to see what college kids think is important:
Two months from graduation, there is controversy at Trinity University over the wording on its diploma. At issue is whether two words should be removed:
Our Lord.

"This is the embodiment of that conflict between our religious culture and roots and our diversity," said interim Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students David Tuttle.

Founded in 1869 by Presbyterians, Trinity University touts itself as a distinctive, diverse campus. But some students say a diploma that says In the year of "Our Lord" does not respect religious diversity.

"If the university has made an effort to make this campus more diverse, it should also recognize there should also be a diploma with a common platform that includes all of these students, not simply the Christian student," said Sidra Qureshi, president of Trinity Diversity Connection. The Muslim student has led the effort to have the wording removed. Other students question where the line will be drawn.

"We've got a chaplain on campus, there's a Bible in our seal. That's just our background, why we were founded, who we are. I don't think we should remove it because a couple of people don't want to remember that history," said Brendan McNamara, president of College Republicans.

Students on both sides of the issue have faced off in a series of forums on campus.
"The change is small but it means a lot to some students," said student body president Emalee Bannon.

The student government and commencement committee are both recommending the Board of Trustees remove the words "Our Lord" from the diploma. Trinity faculty is embracing the debate.
This could be one of those situations where some of these kids have been educated beyond their intelligence.

And of course, if they really thought about his they wouldn't put "2010" on their diplomas either, because after all, that date references a Biblical figure and we can't have that.


Nightingale said...

Guess the Trinity folks missed that part where Jesus said, "If you deny me before men, I will deny you before my Father."

Goofy Dick said...

It's pretty sad when you see a small group of idiots bring their case to the administrator's of the school to remove something like this from their diplomas. If the leadership of this University caves in to this they will have shown their true colors! Watch their voluntary giving and gifts for the school disappear.

Larry Sheldon said...

Why don't they just buy some "Snopak"?

Or read http://www.amazon.com/5000-Year-Leap-Miracle-Changed/dp/0880801484

Hmmmmm. Can they read?

Sam L. said...

The late Brother Dave Gardner (southern stand-up comedian) once said "A liberal is a person educated beyond his ability to understand."

I believe the album I heard it on was named Hip-Ocracy.

Chuck said...

And what do these PC morons think the word "Trinity" means?