HolyCoast: You'll Have to Take Your Saffron Robes and Finger Cymbals Someplace Else
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Thursday, March 25, 2010

You'll Have to Take Your Saffron Robes and Finger Cymbals Someplace Else

The Hare Krishna cult lost a long legal battle against LAX today:
The state's high court ruled today that LAX has the right to regulate how and where Hare Krishna members and other solicitors operate at the airport.

Today's ruling brings the 13-year-old legal dispute between the International Society for Krishna Consciousness of California (ISKCON) a step closer to resolution.

The unanimous decision states that the Hare Krishnas free speech rights are not trampled by current regulations, as the group has "ample alternative means of conveying its message."

"It can distribute literature and speak to willing travelers. It can even seek financial support, as long as it does not request the immediate exchange of funds," states the majority opinion, penned by Justice Carlos Moreno.

While the fight over free speech rights at the airport dates back decades, the ruling stems from a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles in 1997.

ISKCON sued in response to an ordinance prohibiting and receiving funds anywhere at LAX - including terminals, sidewalks and parking garages.

While ISKCON garnered some victories early in the case, the terror attacks of 9-11 changed the way airports dealt with security.
When they say this fight goes back decades they aren't kidding. I can still remember going to LAX back when I was probably in my mid-to-late teens (probably in the early 1970's) and being approached by Krishnas. As I recall my mom got in their face and chased them off.

Later they were restricted to small areas at the top of the escalators where you would go to get to the gates (that was long before everyone was searched and anyone could go to the gates). They looked kind of pathetic standing there inside the little circle drawn for them by LAX. Thanks to the greater security at airports these days I can't remember seeing a Krishna at LAX for many, many years.

We've got enough nuts to worry about at the airport these days. The cults will just have to go somewhere else.


Larry Sheldon said...

I wondered if they were still around. 70's at least--maybe earlier even.

Sam L. said...

I was told that in Portland, Oregon, people used countermeasures--when the Krishnas approached, the people pulled out crickets (little noisemakers) and clicked away. Other folks with crickets would join them. Sid to be a very successful technique.