HolyCoast: A Young Talent Snuffed Out
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Thursday, March 04, 2010

A Young Talent Snuffed Out

I have a special affinity for kids with musical talent and reading this made a sad story that much sadder:
The late Chelsea King accomplished so much in her young life. One of her proudest achievements was being a musician.

The 17-year-old Poway resident played the French horn and was a member of the highly-regarded San Diego Youth Symphony. She filled the post of second horn in both the Philharmonia and Symphony Orchestra, the organization’s two most advanced orchestral ensembles.

“That’s a prestigious position,” said the Youth Symphony’s president and CEO, Dalouge Smith. “The French horn is one of the most difficult instruments. For her to have achieved what she did demonstrates a long-standing dedication and talent.”

Chelsea joined the Youth Symphony last fall. Her final performance was on February 6 during the organization’s “Ovation Concert” at downtown San Diego’s Copley Symphony Hall.

Her disappearance prompted action by thousands of volunteers, including some Youth Symphony members.

“We had students who did not come to rehearsal last weekend. They were putting up posters and participating in the search,” Smith explained.

He added that Youth Symphony representatives have phoned parents of the students who sat near Chelsea in the orchestra and are encouraging them to take whatever steps they consider appropriate in response to her death.

“Chelsea brought beautiful music to the world and made a positive difference in every aspect of her life,” Smith and conductor/artistic director Jeff Edmons said in a prepared statement. “We extend our deepest and heartfelt sympathy to her parents, Brent and Kelly, and their entire family during this tragic and extremely difficult time. We have been so blessed to have had the privilege to know her and to have been so touched by her joy and grace. We know that the entire community shares the sorrow of this loss with us, and we also know that together we will cherish and celebrate her life and spirit forever.”

Will the Youth Symphony dedicate a concert to her?

“We are going to communicate with Chelsea’s family and follow their lead on how they would like us to honor Chelsea,” Smith said. “It’s all dependent on what they want.”

My prayers are with the family and friends.


jan said...

Tragic...my heart grieves for her family and friends.

Goofy Dick said...

A perfect example of how one idiot sex offender can ruin the lives of family, friends, and associates.
Hopefully her killer will receive the maximum sentence allowed by the law, either the death penalty or life in prison with the possibility of parole. My sympathies go out to her family and loved ones.

Goofy Dick said...

CORRECTION: My prior post should have read---Either the death penalty or life in prison without the possibility of parole.