HolyCoast: Arizona Doing a Lot of Things Right These Days
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Arizona Doing a Lot of Things Right These Days

First they passed a law removing the requirement for permits to carry concealed weapons, and now they've passed a tough illegal immigration law:
Lawmakers in the Arizona Senate voted 17 to 11 to approve the bill, widely regarded as the toughest measure yet taken by any U.S. state to curb illegal immigration.

The state's House of Representatives approved the measure last week. Governor Jan Brewer, a Republican, has five days to veto the bill or sign it into law.

Immigration is a bitterly fought issue in the United States, where some 10.8 million illegal immigrants live and work in the shadows, although it has been eclipsed in recent months by a healthcare overhaul and concern over the economy.

The law requires state and local police to determine the status of people if there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are illegal immigrants and to arrest people who are unable to provide documentation proving they are in the country legally.

It also makes it a crime to transport someone who is an illegal immigrant and to hire day laborers off the street.

"I believe handcuffs are a wonderful tool when they're on the right people," said Russell Pearce, the Republican state senator who wrote the bill.

We want to "get them off law enforcement and get them on the bad guys," he told Reuters.
When the legislature is done in Arizona, maybe they can come across the border and fix California.

I wonder how Senate candidate John McCain feels about this new immigration law?  He was a big proponent of an amnesty program a few years ago, but I have a feeling he wouldn't promote that today.  He's made a pretty sharp move to the right to try and combat the challenge from JD Hayworth.  My guess is he'll be fully supportive of this new law...now.

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