HolyCoast: Chuckie Schumer Goes After Obama on Israel Policy
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Friday, April 23, 2010

Chuckie Schumer Goes After Obama on Israel Policy

I'm sure this has nothing to do with the fact there are a whole bunch of Jewish voters in New York:
New York Senator Chuck Schumer harshly criticized the Obama Administration’s attempts to exert pressure on Israel today, making him the highest-ranking Democrat to object to Obama’s policies in such blunt terms.

Schumer, along with a majority of members of the House and Senate, signed on to letters politely suggesting the U.S. keep its disagreements with Israel private, a tacit objection to the administration’s very public rebuke of the Jewish State over construction in Jerusalem last month.

But Schumer dramatically sharpened his tone on the politically conservative Jewish Nachum Segal Show today, calling the White House stance to date “counter-productive” and describing his own threat to “blast” the Administration had the State Department not backed down from its “terrible” tough talk toward Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Schumer, a hawkish ally of Israel since his days as a Brooklyn Congressman, described “a battle going on inside the administration” over Middle East policy.

“This has to stop,” he said of the administration’s policy of publicly pressuring Israel to end construction in Jerusalem.

“I told the President, I told Rahm Emanuel and others in the administration that I thought the policy they took to try to bring about negotiations is counter-productive, because when you give the Palestinians hope that the United States will do its negotiating for them, they are not going to sit down and talk,” Schumer told Segal. “Palestinians don’t really believe in a state of Israel. They, unlike a majority of Israelis, who have come to the conclusion that they can live with a two-state solution to be determined by the parties, the majority of Palestinians are still very reluctant, and they need to be pushed to get there.
It's probably to much to hope for that perhaps Chuckie is finally seeing Obama for the pro-Palestinian anti-Israel president he is.

Hope. Change.


Goofy Dick said...

Why would anyone expect a Muslim president to quit pressuring Israel when their goal is to take over all of Israel for themselves.
Chuckie, continue your assult on the Obama.

Larry Sheldon said...

It may well be true that there are lots of Jews in New York....

Available evidence is that they are all strongly in favor of Obama.

I used to read a number of interesting "blog" that turned out to be by Jewish authors--who were pretty rude to me when I commented negatively on their strongly pro-Obama articles.