HolyCoast: Dems Plan to Run Against the Supreme Court
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Friday, April 23, 2010

Dems Plan to Run Against the Supreme Court

Good luck with all that:
Democrats looking ahead to confirmation hearings for the next Supreme Court justice are hoping to put the court itself on trial in an attempt to ride populist anger about the economy.

In recent decades it has typically been Republicans who have made outrage at the court an issue. Dating back to Richard Nixon, they have stoked conservative anger at decisions on such matters as abortion, school prayer and criminal procedure.

Democrats preparing for the possibly contentious debate over a successor for departing Justice John Paul Stevens say that under Chief Justice John Roberts, the court has stacked the deck against ordinary Americans.

The touchstone of the Democratic strategy is the court's January ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which struck down restrictions on corporate spending on election campaigns. Democrats cite polls showing broad public disapproval of the ruling as evidence of growing anxiety about the court's direction.

"People are very concerned," Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.) said in an interview. The Roberts court has displayed a pattern of "decisions by a slim, activist, conservative majority" that have "misconstrued laws designed to protect the American people, tilting the scales of justice in favor of corporate rights," Leahy said Wednesday after discussing the court vacancy with President Barack Obama.
Boy is that going to be a loser. Voters are actually smart enough to realize that the court doesn't make the laws and therefore cannot be held responsible for the nation's economic problems. And frankly, most people agree with the recent court decisions (with the exception possibly of the Kelo eminent domain case).

The Dems are looking to replace a far left liberal with another liberal.  In fact, if anyone is going to get mad it will probably be the far left liberals who will be afraid the new justice will be less liberal than Stevens.  This fight won't stir up independents at all, and they're the folks the Dems have to try and win back.

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