HolyCoast: Denim Day?
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Denim Day?

I tuned in to the morning news on KTLA and was wondering why the usually well dressed weatherman was wearing jeans and a casual shirt.  Other online talent was also in jeans.  They finally explained why - it's "Denim Day in L.A.", the day when wearing jeans suddenly means you support a particular social cause:
Denim Day in LA & USA 2010
Peace Over Violence is proud to present the 11th Annual Denim Day in LA & USA 2010, a campaign to raise awareness and educate the public about rape and sexual assault. This year it is Wednesday April 21, 2010.

By wearing jeans on Denim Day April 21, 2010 you:

Send a message to survivors that you support them in their healing!
Commit to become more educated about sexual assault!
Break the silence surrounding sexual violence!
Of course I oppose domestic violence, but this seems like a pretty silly way to fight it or support its victims. Millions of people wear denim every day, but suddenly they're making a statement instead of just being comfortable?

This did, however, give me an idea.  If we can just arbitrarily declare that something people routinely do has some special social meaning, I think I'll declare my own special day:  Breathing Day.

If you're breathing on Thursday, April 22nd it means you support the following:

  • Opposition to Obama, Pelosi, and Reid on all of their liberal issues
  • Opposition to the global warming alarmists promoting cap-and-tax and carbon restrictions
  • Opposition to all Earth Day silliness.
Get out there a breathe, people!  Show the world you support the Breathing Day cause!

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