HolyCoast: Franklin Graham and the Muslims
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Franklin Graham and the Muslims

The son of evangelist Billy Graham has ticked off some folks because of his remarks about Islam:
The Army is considering whether to rescind a speaking invitation to evangelist Franklin Graham to appear at the Pentagon amid complaints from Muslim members of the U.S. military who have not forgiven him for his description of Islam as evil.

Graham, the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham, was to appear at the Pentagon on May 6 -- the National Day of Prayer.

He said he will be a guest of the Pentagon and would speak only if he's still invited.

Army spokesman Gary Tallman told Fox News that Graham's "presence at the event may be taken by some as inappropriate for a government agency."

"As the executive agent of the Pentagon chaplain's office, Army leadership determined it needed further review," he said.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation raised the objection to the appearance, citing Graham's past remarks about Islam, in a letter sent Monday to Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

Mikey Weinstein, president of the foundation, said the invitation offended Muslim employees at the Pentagon because Graham never retracted or apologized for his description of Islam and even defended his statements as recently as December, in an interview with CNN. Weinstein said the invitation would endanger American troops by stirring up Muslim extremists.

Army Col. Tom Collins said the invitation wasn't from the Pentagon but from the Colorado-based National Day of Prayer Task Force, which works with the Pentagon chaplain's office on the prayer event.
I find it more than a little bit funny that the guy defending the Muslims is named "Mikey Weinstein". Chances are if that guy was in a Muslim country his life expectancy would be slightly less than that of a fruit fly.


Anonymous said...

1 Thessalonians 5:21, "Test everything. Hold on to the good"

The Bible says to kill non-believers too. The big difference is we educate our people and have Christians who ignore the bad advice of the bible. Just like, "guns don't kill people, people do," so goes Islam. Christians and Conservatives: educate yourselves and free yourselves! Franklin Graham's ignorance should be kept far away from government functions.
(see Exodus 22:20, Deuteronomy 13:12-15, 2 Chronicles 15:13, Acts 12:23, Luke 19:27, Ezekiel 9:5-7, etc.)

Nightingale said...

Anon, you need to do some serious reading of the New Testament/New Covenant.

In Acts 12:23 God slew Herod because Herod's crimes grieved Him. God did not tell Believers to slay anyone. In Luke 19:27, Jesus was speaking in parables, not advocating slaying anyone.

As for the Old Testament, the rules changed with the coming of Jesus Christ. Nowhere are Christians told to slay anyone.

If there's anyone who needs to be freed, it's you. The gift of Eternal life is free to you.

Goofy Dick said...

Nightengale-----You said it correctly and I thank you.

Tom said...

That is sooooo true!