HolyCoast: It's About Power, Not About Saving the Earth
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's About Power, Not About Saving the Earth

Robin of Berkeley writes at American Thinker about a patient of hers that required a year-long cult deprogramming to rid herself of liberal guilt instilled in her as a student in Berkeley. The poor kid was panicked into believing her every action was causing the destruction of the earth. You can read her story at the link.

Robin gives us the real reasons behind the liberal Earth Day indoctrination:
The Left's underlying goal: to convince all of us that we don't matter. Our happiness, our cleanliness, our ease of living, our money, and our time...it's the government's business, not ours. While Marxist theory celebrates the proletarian, in actuality, people become interchangeable cogs in the collective wheel.

With the promotion of environmental hysteria, the government keeps the masses frightened and in survival mode. When you traumatize and terrify people, they're malleable. As stated succinctly by Adolph Hitler himself, "Terror is the best political weapon."

Another potent way to dominate people? Blame and shame them; make them feel defective if they trash a bottle or enjoy a hot bath. Self-hate and shame are unbearable states of mind. People will do almost anything to get out of them.

Simply put, the Green Meanies care about power, not the planet. Does anyone out there really believe that Obama gives a hoot about the spotted owl?

I whimsically entitled this article "Why I'm Enlarging My Carbon Footprint." Truth be told, I'm not really into littering or trashing the streets. But I'm also not obsessing about every little thing I ingest or buy.

I refuse to kowtow to a government that not only wants to control my body and my money and what I eat, but also wants to get into my head and become my Higher Power. Frankly, I'm not interested. I've got a Higher Power already, and His name isn't Barack.
There are a lot of screwed up people running around today, forgoing their vehicles, using fewer napkins, eschewing plastic forks, etc., and thinking they're saving the Earth.

The Earth is fine. It doesn't need our saving.

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