HolyCoast: Jews Protest Obama
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Monday, April 26, 2010

Jews Protest Obama

Perhaps the Jewish vote won't be quite so reliably Democrat this year after all:
Thousands of Jews gathered outside the Israeli Consulate Sunday to protest President Obama’s position towards Israel.

Organizers said the event supports “Israel’s right to build and live in its own country,” as well as its right to unite Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty. They are also protesting the Obama Administrations’ alleged disregard of the democratic Jewish state.

“We are outraged that President Obama is scapegoating Israel and wants to expel Jews from their homes in Jerusalem. President Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton show more anger about a Jewish family building a home in Jerusalem than Iran building a nuclear bomb,” states Beth Gilinsky of the Jewish Action Alliance. “Vast segments of the Jewish community will not tolerate the President’s continuing attacks on Israel. Grassroots Jewry will not be silent.”
And then you can add this headline from Say Anything Blog:
Obama’s National Security Adviser: Jews Are Greedy Merchants
It's been obvious for sometime that Obama is sympathetic to Palestinians and probably would be just as happy to see Israel disappear. Should Israel decide to go on their own against Iran, what will the reaction of our military forces in Iraq be? My guess is they'll have orders to interfere, and that could set off all kinds of problems.

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