HolyCoast: Obama and Biden's Massive Earth Day Carbon Footprint
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Obama and Biden's Massive Earth Day Carbon Footprint

Sasquatch would be jealous of the footprint POTUS and VPOTUS left on the environment today as explained in these Drudge Report items:
Obama and Biden to Celebrate Earth Day by Tying Up New York Air Traffic...

Obama and Biden will board separate jets in Washington on Earth Day morning to fly 250 miles up to New York, where they will land at separate airports to attend separate events within a few miles of each other... Jets will be forced to circle and burn more fuel as they wait for the VIPs to come and go...

FLASHBACK: Obama Earth Day Flights Burned More Than 9,000 Gallons Of Fuel...
Mother Gaia weeps.

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