HolyCoast: Obama Has a Gay Old Time in Los Angeles
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Monday, April 19, 2010

Obama Has a Gay Old Time in Los Angeles

The fundraising Prez is in Los Angeles raising money for Barbara "Dumb-as-a-Box-of-Rocks" Boxer and got a greeting from the local gay community:
Gay rights protesters interrupted President Barack Obama's speech at a fundraiser for California Sen. Barbara Boxer (D) Monday night in Los Angeles.

Activists from a group called GetEQUAL began shouting at Obama while he was speaking at the podium. They expressed frustration over the slow progress of repealing the ban on openly gay people serving in the military.

The protests brought the speech to a halt, and the protesters did not lower their voices after others in the crowd urged them to end their shouting.
"What about 'Don't ask, don't tell?'" one protester shouted, according to a White House pool report.
Obama yelled back: "We are going to do that."

Obama then raised his voice to speak over the protesters. "We are going to repeal don't ask, don't tell," Obama said.

Five minutes later, Obama was again interrupted by a protester who yelled, "It's time for equality for all Americans."

"Can I just say again Barbara and I are supportive of repealing don't ask, don't tell," Obama responded.

A protester again yelled out, halting Obama's remarks, before much of the crowd began chanting "yes we can" and drowned out the protesters shouts.
The gay activists are fools if they think Obama really means what he says. He's been stringing them along since election.

Now, what about the Code Pinko wackos?  Shouldn't they be there yelling at him too, rather than chasing Karl Rove around the country?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how could a black man well half anyway, not pay attention to equal rights for all human beings. being gay is no different than being half blak or having blue eyes. If anyone should understand it should be his wife nbeing a full black, not having rights until the 70's maybe he should talk to her about what its like... I miss BUSH!