HolyCoast: Obama Sends the Feds After Arizona's Illegal Immigration Bill
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Friday, April 23, 2010

Obama Sends the Feds After Arizona's Illegal Immigration Bill

Who didn't see this coming?
President Barack Obama criticized Arizona’s tough immigration bill as irresponsible Friday and said his administration is examining whether it would violate civil rights.

Obama said the federal government must act responsibly to reform national immigration law — or “open the door to irresponsibility by others.”

“That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe,” Obama said.

If signed into law by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, the legislation would require police to question people about their immigration status if there’s reason to suspect they’re in the country illegally. Civil rights activists say such a law would lead to racial profiling and deter Hispanics from reporting crimes.

Obama instructed the Justice Department to examine the bill to see if it would violate civil rights.
The day we decided the people who are in this country illegally have civil rights is the day we went badly off the tracks. Had we correctly declared long ago that illegal aliens are not entitled to American civil rights we could have put an end to any arguments on the issue.

UPDATE:  Governor Jan Brewer to Obama: Screw you.


Tony said...

The minute an Illegal Alien crosses into the U.S.A. they should have NO RIGHTS period! Only the right to be arrested or if they are committing a crime to be eliminated from committing future crimes. I applaud Arizona for taking the action they have taken, unfortunately, California will never have the guts or the people in office who would sponser such a bill. Obama the jerk, should keep his nose out of what is being done in Arizona, he hasn't had the brains to help the border states defend their borders
and would rather sponser amnesty.

Nightingale said...

There's a big difference between "civil rights" offered to citizens and "human rights" offered to all people.

Illegal aliens should not have the rights that are due to citizens.

mike said...

It's about time we have strict anti-illegal laws! we should have passed this 10-20 years ago, we would not have 12M illegals everywhere turning America into Tijuana.