HolyCoast: OC Sheriff's Candidate Calls for 2nd Amendment Litmus Test for Candidates
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

OC Sheriff's Candidate Calls for 2nd Amendment Litmus Test for Candidates

I met Bill Hunt last Thursday at the Mission Viejo Tea Party Rally, and Monday he was on the East Coast  speaking at a pro-2nd Amendment rally:
"The Second Amendment should be the litmus test for anybody seeking election," said Bill Hunt, a candidate for sheriff in Orange County, Calif.

Mr. Hunt compared himself to the embattled sheriff played by Gary Cooper in the film classic "High Noon."

"They found a tough man and sheriff to run the bad guys out of town," he roared to the approval of the crowd, assembled on breezy, sunny afternoon. "Let the revolution for constitutional rights go from Orange County, Calif., to Orange County, Fla."

Organizers said the Northern Virginia event, in which participants carried loaded pistols in holsters and toted unloaded rifles slung over their shoulders, was the first such rally in a national park since Congress earlier this year allowed visitors to carry firearms in national parks.

The Northern Virginia event attracted nearly as many reporters and photographers as demonstrators, and those in the crowd said the mainstream media had come looking for the spectacle of Americans carrying guns in public.

What they found instead, said Burtonsville, Md. resident Bob Culver, 64, was gun owners scrupulously observing Virginia's gun laws.

"You get a lot of people trying to find the negative aspect," he said. "We're trying to get people with a positive image into the public eye."

Among the signs at the National Mall protest was one that read, "The Constitution isn't a list of suggestions." Another, making a veiled reference to what some critics feel about Mr. Obama, read, "The difference between a communist and a socialist is that a socialist doesn't have all the guns yet."
Should he be elected Hunt's stand on 2nd Amendment issues will be very different from the Sheriff's that have preceded him. Getting a concealed carry permit in this county has been very tough...unless you were a major contributor or special friend of the Sheriff.

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