HolyCoast: Prove It!
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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Prove It!

The GOP has a new approach to fighting the next round of liberal nonsense the Dems want to pass - credibility, or lack thereof:
Republicans are beginning to attack the financial regulatory reform bill by attacking the Democrats pitching it as simply not believable.

“Just think about some of the things Americans have been told,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, said on Thursday. “As a senator, the current President railed against deficits and debt. He said America has a debt problem and that it was a failure of leadership not to address it. Yet last year his administration released a budget that doubles the debt in five years and triples it in 10. The debt has increased over $2 trillion since he took office. And in February, the federal government ran the largest monthly deficit in history.”

“There’s a lot of skepticism” among the American people about what Washington is promising these days, a senior GOP leadership aide tells ABC News.
Actually, there's a lot of skepticism about what Democrats are promising these days. We were told the stimulus bill would keep unemployment below 8%. It's now 9.7%. We were told Obamacare would reduce costs. It will raise costs. We were told it would insure all the uninsurable, but if you read further in the linked article you'll see that's not going to happen either. Every Obama promise comes with an expiration date and nearly all of them have expired.

There's no reason to believe anything the Democrats are telling us.

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