HolyCoast: Senate Showdown Today
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Monday, April 26, 2010

Senate Showdown Today

Harry Reid and his all-Democrat band have plans for a huge banking bailout bill that, as usual, will not do what they say it will do and certainly won't cost what they say it will cost.  Harry may be in for a rough day:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has set up a showdown procedural cloture vote today at 5:00 pm to advance the Democrats’ partisan finance bill (S.B. 3217).

All 41 Senate Republicans have pledged to filibuster saying, among other things, the bill institutionalizes taxpayer bailouts of companies the government deems “too big to fail.”

Negotiations continued over the weekend, but no compromise had been reached as of deadline.

In a Fox News Sunday appearance, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) offered last week’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) report as an example of his party’s accurate legislative assessments.

(As reported on HUMAN EVENTS, the CMS report exposed the vast array of budget gimmicks proving Obamacare would not control costs as Republicans warned all along.)

McConnell said the report proves Republicans are more credible assessing the impact of the massive pieces of legislation being railroaded through Congress by Democrats.

“We want to make sure they don’t have the same kind of approach on financial services that they did on health care,” McConnell said.
At one point it looked like Olympia Snowe would give Reid the 60th vote he needs to proceed with the bill, but she may be backing off given the lack of enthusiasm by other Republicans. Let's hope so.

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