HolyCoast: A Sheriff Joe Obsession
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Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Sheriff Joe Obsession

There's a blog in Orange County called "Orange Juice" that is one of those group blogs with lots of different writers.  The politics also goes from right to far left, and at least one of the writer's has an obsession with Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Arizona and his support for Bill Hunt, the candidate I met at the Mission Viejo Tea Party.  The foolish writer, who goes by the nom de blog Zorro, posted no less than three items praising a handful of protesters who showed up to yell at Sheriff Joe:

Santa Ana protesters stand up to Joe Arpaio

Add to those three two other posts by Orange Juice bloggers:

America’s Most Incompetent Sheriff Visits Orange County to do Fundraiser and Rally for Bill Hunt

Arpaio really scares these guys and they're panicked at the thought Bill Hunt will be elected and follow in Sheriff Joe's footprints when it comes to immigration policy.  Based on my brief conversation with Hunt I'd say they have reason to be worried.


Sam L. said...

Those folks may have a point.

Check out www.coyote.com--his comments from time to time

s said...

...on Sheriff Joe are not complimentary.

(Fingers go fast, fingers go wrong.)

Goofy Dick said...

Sheriff Joe is one of the few sheriff's in the country that is worth his salt. He attacks the problem at its root and his methods have proved pretty good.
Prison should not be a country club, and criminals are criminals, whether they are breaking local laws or federal laws. Illegal Aliens are CRIMINALS period.