HolyCoast: Taking on the Fanatics
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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Taking on the Fanatics

The recent decision by Comedy Central to censor South Park because of references to the Prophet Mohammed that resulted in threats from a nutcase radical Islamic American has created a blowback that the Muslim nuts probably didn't expect.  One website is promoting May 20th as "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day", encouraging more likeness of the "Prophet Who Shall Not Be Drawn" than they'll ever even know about, and many others are fighting back with whatever tools they have.  Chris Muir at Dad by Day takes a devastating shot in today's cartoon which you can see here.

There's nothing better at fighting craziness than humiliation.  The humorless shall be brought down, and though the radicals will not learn from this, perhaps others will start being less concerned with offending the sensibilities of crazy people.

UPDATE: Apparently some of the organizers of this event have gotten cold feet (or perhaps they fear for their heads).


Nightingale said...

And to think the likes of Bill Clinton are calling Tea Party participants a new kind of terrorist, but these Islamo-fascists no one wants to touch.


Goodtime Ricky said...

Hilarious comics.Thanks for allowing us to have a good laugh.