HolyCoast: What's Missing From the Volcano Story?
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Monday, April 19, 2010

What's Missing From the Volcano Story?

Since the volcano in Iceland erupted we've heard lots of stories about flight cancellations, stranded passengers, potential damage to aircraft engines, and even Obama's golf game that he got in because he couldn't fly to Poland for the state funeral.  What haven't we heard about this story?
How about the fact that all this junk the volcano is spewing into the atmosphere will help combat global warming?  Even if you're willing to go along with the notion that the earth is warming, our friend the Eyjafjallajokull volcano is putting lots of stuff in the air that will help diffuse the sunlight and will have an effect in reducing temperatures in those areas where it passes overhead.  The ash cloud may circle the earth for months to come, affecting much of the Northern Hemisphere.

Environwackos should be dancing naked around their campfires with joy at the thought that global warming may be delayed by this eruption from deep in Mother Gaia's bosom.  Evil humanity might live just a little longer.  She loves us...she really loves us!

When Mt. Pinatubo blew up in the Philippines back in 1991 global temperatures dropped about 1 degree for the next year.  Mother Gaia has a remarkable way of self-regulating her temperature, and she did it without any help from us.

Large plume indicates a second Icelandic volcano, Hekla, has begun erupting.
Thank you, Mother Gaia.


Laura said...

It would have been classy if Obama had done something like visit the Polish Embassy since he couldn't go to the state funeral. Instead he golfed. It's always all about him...

Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

Rick... as usual, you make some great points. I have some great Christian friends in Iceland and I know they would probably say the same thing. Keep up the wonderful work. I know I don't comment all the time, but I do read! - Stacy L Harp