HolyCoast: Obama is Toxic for Dem Candidates
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Obama is Toxic for Dem Candidates

He's 0-4 after watching his chosen candidates in New Jersey, Virginia, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania go down in flames:
President Barack Obama may end up playing a rather hands-off role in this fall's elections, a surprising turn for a political phenomenon who excited millions of voters just two years ago.

Recent elections have tarnished Obama's luster a bit, and Democratic candidates are likely to be selective in seeking his help.

Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania became the fourth Democrat in seven months to lose a high-profile race despite the president's active involvement. Specter's career-ending loss raises questions of whether Obama can transfer even small portions of the political charm that catapulted him to the White House.

Campaign strategists said Wednesday that many congressional Democrats seeking re-election this year will probably tap Obama to raise money, record ads for black radio stations and perhaps highlight a key issue or two. But some, and perhaps many, will not seek presidential visits, and they will emphasize their own roles on issues such as job-creation.
Which, of course, the Democrats haven't done.

As I mentioned in a piece yesterday it appears the Dem plan will involve them lying to voters and trying to make them believe the Democrats are trying to create jobs or have the ability and know-how to do so. The fact that they've managed not to create any since they had full control of the government will be conveniently ignored by the political press.

So, we'll have to remind the voters what's really going on as the campaign goes on. In the words of John F'ing Kerry, "I'm reporting for duty!"

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