HolyCoast: Obama to Release Classified Nuke Info
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Monday, May 03, 2010

Obama to Release Classified Nuke Info

Of course he will:
The Pentagon on Monday will release long-classified statistics about the total size of America’s nuclear arsenal, part of an effort to make the case that the country is honoring its treaty commitments to shrink its inventory of weapons significantly, senior administration officials said Sunday.

 The American initiative will be cast by the White House as a small but significant step toward allowing the world to measure whether President Obama makes good on his promise of reducing American reliance on nuclear defenses.
Obama would like the U.S. to quit relying on ANY defenses. It's not just nukes that upset him.

Supposedly Obama is doing this to show he's serious about non-proliferation. Did anyone before this moment doubt that he's anti-nuke? There's absolutely no good reason to release this information to the world.

I'll repeat the HolyCoast nuclear policy for those who may have missed it:
We need to tell the world that we're going to have enough weapons to destroy every living thing several times over and enough to bounce the rubble for years thereafter. They better not mess with us. If they leave us alone, we won't turn their cities into glass-topped parking lots and their people into free-floating atoms.

If they do mess with us, all bets are off. Better get right with Allah, or whoever your Supreme Being happens to be. You're going to be meeting him very soon.
That's the only common sense nuclear policy worth following.

UPDATE:  Drudge headline:
The world's crazies will never be appeased by weak displays such as Obama's nuke announcement.

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