HolyCoast: Phoenix Suns Announce "No Documents, No Problem!" Night
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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Phoenix Suns Announce "No Documents, No Problem!" Night

Good news for all you folks in Arizona who worry about being hassled while you're getting your kids ice cream - now you can take them to an NBA Playoff Game! The Phoenix Suns, as part of their "Los Suns" protest against the
Arizona immigration law, have announced that their next playoff game will be "No Documents, No Problem!".

Simply show up before game time and nobody will ask you for any identification or other documents which would establish your legal right to attend the game. No drivers licenses, no passports, no tickets! And to make the experience complete, all stadium services will be provided free as well! Food, team clothing, parking - all of it paid for by somebody else!

Line up early, or for better service, you can hire a coyote to bring you all in together at one time and drop you off right at the door.

Si se pueda!

1 comment:

MRedd said...

Like the NFL, the NBA is forgetting who pays for most of the seats. Since the phoenix team has decided to defend illegal immigration rather than play b-ball, I recommend legitimate ticket holders boycott the first ten games next year. See how long team loyalty lasts when there is less money to give overpaid players.