HolyCoast: Police Chiefs: Keeping Illegals Out Will Increase Crime
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Police Chiefs: Keeping Illegals Out Will Increase Crime

Obama's team rounded up some weak sister police chiefs from around the country to tell us that enforcing the law will cause an increase in crime:
WASHINGTON - Arizona's new immigration law and similar proposals in other states would lead to an increase in crime, some police chiefs from around the country told Attorney General Eric Holder in an hourlong meeting Wednesday.

The chiefs told the attorney general that having to determine whether a person is in the United States illegally will break down the trust that police have built in communities and will divert law enforcement resources away from fighting crime.

If that happens, "we will be unable to do our jobs," said Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck. "Laws like this will actually increase crime, not decrease crime."

Tucson Police Chief Roberto Villasenor said the requirements of the new law are so burdensome that "we doubt the federal government can even handle the numbers of people we will bring to them" on immigration status.

The new law "puts Arizona law enforcement right in the middle" at a time when police budgets are already in crisis, said John Harris, president of the Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police.
This dog-and-pony show (or perhaps we should call it a donkey-and-pony show) is supposed to convince us all that Arizona's immigration law will somehow damage our nation's law enforcement efforts.

Sorry, not buying it. Americans expect law enforcement to enforce the law...all of them. If they can't do it, it's time to get somebody else.


FX Turk said...

It is also logically possible that the law is unenforcable -- that is, that it has no basis for enforcement. I don't believe that, bit it's one option -- which, obviously, the Obama administration wants us to believe.

The problem, as I think Maja Rushie has pointed out, is that Mexico has far more stringent and severe immigration laws. The reason for this is that they take their sovereignty seriously -- even if it means they are trapped in 3rd world status. Our last 4 or 5 administrations (yes -- I am including Reagan) have not taken this problem seriously in the least, and have made this the #1 criminal offense in the country through lack of enforcement. Not to clean it up, it will take something just short of a war.

It's not an easy thing to resolve. But if it is not resolved, it's the de facto end of our nation.

Goofy Dick said...

Maybe we will be installing a lot of new Police Chiefs in the near future, this to replace those who cannot or will not follow the law.

Sam L. said...

Illegal immigrants, committing the crimes that American criminals won't.
