HolyCoast: Voters Not Enthused by Elena Kagan
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Voters Not Enthused by Elena Kagan

Rasmussen has the first numbers:
Voters are evenly divided, however, over whether Kagan, the first nominee without judicial experience chosen in nearly 40 years, should be confirmed: 33% say yes, 33% say no, and 34% are undecided.
82% expect Kagan to be confirmed, as I do. It's clear that she was a political pick, designed to fly under the radar thanks to her lack of judicial experience and minimal writings. I think it can be assumed from what we do know about her that she's going to be liberal on most issues. how liberal, who knows? That's what has the left a bit worried. Given how far left Justice Stevens was there's a half decent chance that Kagan will move the court slightly to the right.

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