HolyCoast: Helen Thomas Retires
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Monday, June 07, 2010

Helen Thomas Retires

The Crazy Aunt Bethany of the White House Press Corps is retiring after her anti-Semitic remarks:
Hearst Newspapers says White House reporter Helen Thomas is retiring, effective immediately.
I have a feeling it was one of those "retire or you'll be fired" kinds of meetings.

She's seen a lot of history. I think she's served under every national leader since King Herod.

The saddest thing about all this, besides her bigoted beliefs, is that had she retired before this whole flap blew up she would have gotten a hero's send-off from the White House Press Corps, including a likely visit from the president himself.  There would have been glowing tributes to her in the media and she could have gracefully slunk away to her Jew-free lair.


Larry Sheldon said...

I still think she should be sent back to where she came from.

I'd buy here a burgua as a step toward a more beautiful Earth.

LewArcher said...

I often wonder if her anger at the Israelis comes from the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, in particular Beirut.
As you may recall, to get the Palestinian soldiers out of Beirut, President Reagan, through his envoy, gave his personal assurances to Yassir Arafat that the US would guarantee the safety of the unarmed Palestinian refugees left behind.
Maybe Miss Thomas was mad at the Israelis, instead of doing the job themselves, sent the Lebanese Christian Phalange into the refugee camps to kill 2000 Palestinians (especially at Sabra and Shatila).