HolyCoast: The "Influential People" Are Starting to Wake Up
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Saturday, June 19, 2010

The "Influential People" Are Starting to Wake Up

From Mark Steyn at The Corner:

World Sees Obama As Incompetent And Amateur
Most of what follows won't come as news to NR readers, but this is the nub of it:
The end result is that a critical mass of influential people in world affairs who once held high hopes for the president have begun to wonder whether they misjudged the man.
I touch on this very subject in my own column. The question is whether these "influential people" are sufficiently chastened to examine in any meaningful way which of their own biases caused them to think a community organizer with no executive experience and more memoirs than accomplishments was just what the world's superpower needed.
'Cause if all these "influential people" aren't up for a bit of self-analysis, golly, they might make the same mistake all over again next time round.
You know who you are, guys.
Sadly, my guess is that when 2012 comes around and the disaster that is the Obama presidency still continues the enlightened masses will declare that "he's probably grown in office and we really should give him another four years to develop into the Messiah we imagined him to be".

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