HolyCoast: Palin: Boobgate a Fantasy of Bored Bloggers
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Palin: Boobgate a Fantasy of Bored Bloggers

There wasn't much doubt about this except among a few far-left websites:
Sarah Palin shot down rumors Friday night that she had undergone an operation to receive breast implants.

“Breast implants – did you have them or not, because that's all over the Internet about you, and the mainstream media," Greta Van Susteren asked Palin on her Fox News "On the Record" show.

"Boobgate is all over the Internet right now because there's a lot of, I guess, bored, idle bloggers and reporters with nothing else to talk about," Palin replied. "No, I have not had implants. I can't believe that we're even talking about this.

"I think a report like that is about as real and truthful as those reports that Todd and I are divorcing, or that I bought a place in the Hamptons, or that Trig is not my own child. And we still put up with that kind of garbage, too. … It's amazing."
This was all started by the obsessively anti-Palin/anti-conservative website Wonkette, and frankly I've had it with their emotional and political immaturity. From this point on quotes from or links to Wonkette will be deleted from the comments section of all HolyCoast posts.  I'm not going to indirectly advertise their warped product.

UPDATE for Wonkette readers who are suddenly showing up:  Perhaps if Wonkette had bothered to look at the other photo that was taken of Sarah Palin the same day they wouldn't have run with such a stupid story.  It can be seen here.


Larry Sheldon said...


I delete from my list of must-read-daily blogs that quote or talk about Wonkette, Andi Sullivan, or Chuckie Whatisname.

LewArcher said...

You left out the best bit from the interview:
they need to grab a shovel, go down to the gulf, volunteer to help, clean up and save a whale or something

I can’t wait to see her down on the Panhandle coast with her designer shovel … posing for a few pictures before dropping it on a half-dead oil bird and going back to her suite.