HolyCoast: Today's Quick Hit Headlines
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Today's Quick Hit Headlines

Some quick hits on today's headlines:
Buffett  and Bill Gates Announce Campaign To Get Billionaires To Give Away Half Their  Wealth...
Bill and Warren - I'll take some. Just hit the PayPal Donate button on the right.

The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem.

Obama's speech: There's a pipe spewing a gazillion gobs of oil into the gulf, so let's build more windmills
Andrew Malcolm smacks the president around again. No wonder the lefties hate him so much.

Winter strikes with vengeance in SAfrica; First snow falls in 20 years...
Will it shut up those annoying horns at the World Cup?

Milbank: Clinton finally ahead of Obama in popularity...
Pretty much every former president is now ahead of Obama in popularity.  Even James Buchanan is looking pretty good these days.

HELL: Mexican Army Kills 15 as Soldiers Battle Gunmen in Tourist Town...
And we're supposed to boycott Arizona because they don't want these people in their state?

ELECTION POLL: Re-elect D incumbent? 34 percent; Re-elect R incumbent? 49 percent...
There isn't an anti-incumbent mood in the country.  There's an anti-Democrat incumbent mood.

SKorea cracks down on snake soup restaurants...
I would hope so. It's hard to get good snake soup these days.

OWN YOU: China's US govt debt holdings hit high...
China doesn't know this but they're at the bottom of our pyramid scheme.

Height of BP Outrage? Rep Suggests Exec Kill Himself
You first.

Seattle Cop Punches Teen Girl in Face
I saw the tape.  She had it coming.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

When he's below Jimmah Carter, let me know.