President Barack Obama stepped up criticism of Republicans on Saturday for blocking jobless aid, hammering home a Democratic election year attack line that casts the opposition as the party of the rich.YAWWWWWWNNN. That "party of the rich" crap doesn't play anymore. For one thing the Democrat party is crawling with rich liberals who fund every manner of craziness for them, and thanks to Obama's policies even rich Republicans aren't as rich as they used to be. He tries to make the argument that Republicans are heartless because they refused to extend unemployment benefits beyond the current 99 WEEKS (almost two years) without paying for them with cuts elsewhere. Obama's massive spending has been a disaster and hasn't created the jobs promised.
In reality, the GOP has very little power to do anything in Washington. It was Democrats joining with Republicans that stopped the unemployment extension and other programs Obama wants to shove down America's throat.
This "party of the rich" nonsense is simply Obama's immaturity on full display.
And all along I thought the President was supposed to be a leader. All we get with Obama is a lot of whinning and trying to cast blame wherever he can because he can't handle the job he was placed in. Just watch, now that BP has been able to cap the well, Obama will try to take all the credit for stopping the oil gusher, when he did almost nothing but sit on his butt for almost 3 months.
And the President, of the "party of the little people", has a separate private jet to fly his dog and handler to their vacation island retreat.
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