HolyCoast: Illegal Immigrant Deaths Along Arizona Border on the Rise
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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Illegal Immigrant Deaths Along Arizona Border on the Rise

How long until this is blamed on global warming?
The number of deaths among illegal immigrants crossing the Arizona desert from Mexico is soaring so high this month that the medical examiner's office that handles the bodies is using a refrigerated truck to store some of them, the chief examiner said Friday.

The bodies of 40 illegal immigrants have been brought to the office of Pima County Medical Examiner Dr. Bruce Parks since July 1. At that rate, Parks said the deaths could top the single-month record of 68 in July 2005 since his office began tracking them in 2000.

"Right now, at the halfway point of the month, to have so many is just a very bad sign," he said. "It's definitely on course to perhaps be the deadliest month of all time."

From Jan. 1 to July 15, the office has handled the bodies of 134 illegal immigrants, up from 93 at the same time last year and 102 in 2008. In 2007, when the office recorded the highest annual deaths of illegal immigrants, 140 bodies had been taken there through July 15.

Parks said his office, which handles immigrant bodies from three counties, is currently storing roughly 250 bodies and had to start using a refrigerated truck because of the increase in immigrant deaths this month.

He said many of the bodies seem to be coming from the desert southwest of Tucson, where it tends to be hotter than eastern parts of the border or the Tucson metro area.

Authorities believe the high number of deaths are likely due to above-average and unrelenting heat in southern Arizona this month and ongoing tighter border security that pushes immigrants to more remote, rugged and dangerous terrain.
This could also be caused by people in Mexico who believe Obama and the Democrats are going to try and pass an amnesty bill and they want to make sure they're here to take advantage of it. Consequently, people are making dumb decisions to cross the hottest part of the border during the hottest part of the year.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Harry Reid needs to be swept out with the rest of the trash and Sharron Angle is just the person who can get rid of him and give the residents of Nevada something to be proud of. VOTE FOR ANGLE.