HolyCoast: Obama's Cook Becomes New Food Czar
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Obama's Cook Becomes New Food Czar

Obama has more czars than a Romanov wedding:
In a comical move even for a czar-happy president who has rewarded dozens of cronies with distinguished titles, the White House has named the Obama’s personal Chicago cook as “Senior Policy Adviser for Healthy Food Initiatives.”

It’s no joke, even though is sounds like a bad one. The Chicago chef’s rapid ascension, reported this week by a conservative Washington D.C. newspaper, has been kept under the radar for the last month. Sam Kass went from being a 20-something, Windy City gourmet cook—privately paid by the Obama’s to feed them—to big-time White House adviser in a matter of months.

In between, Michelle Obama made Kass a “Food Initiative Coordinator” for her new healthy nutrition program which is supposed to eliminate childhood obesity within a generation, especially in the nation’s inner cities. The First Lady claims that childhood obesity is a threat to national security and a crisis equivalent to AIDS and youth violence.

Because it’s such a dire situation, she has convinced her husband’s administration to spend $400 million a year to bring “healthy foods” to low-income neighborhoods and $10 billion to revise a decades-old federal measure that already feeds tens of millions of poor children at school for free.

This culinary revolution no doubt requires a trusted senior policy adviser—like Kass—who is an expert in healthy cuisine. The First Lady refers to her cook as a “partner in crime” and says it’s “just pretty powerful” to see what started out as talk in her South Side Chicago kitchen turn into a major initiative that “hopefully will change the way we think as a country.”
"Partner in crime" may be more than just saying.

Do you notice how when liberals take power they feel it's their job to educate the rest of us as though we're too stupid to think for ourselves? Conservatives get accused all the time of telling other people how to live, but when liberals do it they get a pass.


Gombojav Tribe said...

The government does not just feed children free lunch at school. All through the summer kids can get free "school lunches" at parks and community centers everywhere. I was recently at the park with my children, just playing and people kept asking us if we were there for the free lunch. What?!

Out of curiousity we went over. Sure enough, they are handing out free lunches to anyone under the age of 18. No ID required. No verification of age. No income limits or requirement. No residency requirements. Turns out I could feed my brood at one park and head across town to another park and then to the community center getting as many free lunches as we would have time for!

I'm not even joking. Our tax dollars at work. Who says there's no free lunch.

*shaking head in dismay*

Bob Hughes said...

If they were serious about wanting to stop the childhood obesity "crisis", they would simply eliminate the school lunch program.

I'm serious. What an incredibly wasteful program. A friend of ours works in a school cafeteria, and they are forbidden from bringing home perfectly good leftovers. They must be discarded.

Kids should bring PB&J with an apple from home. Even parents on welfare can afford that.

Lucias said...

Oh come on. How hard is it to fix up a pot of greens and then add some watermelon for dessert.