HolyCoast: Pelosi Throws Gibbs Under the Bus
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pelosi Throws Gibbs Under the Bus

It's getting really crowded under there:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi bashed White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs Tuesday night, even as the president's top spokesman continued to backpedal from his assertion that Democrats could lose control of the House in the November election.

The fusillade from Pelosi and other Democrats at a closed-door meeting escalated an already fiery clash between the White House and its own party in Congress. During the tense evening meeting, the speaker grilled the top White House aide in attendance, senior legislative affairs staffer Dan Turton, about the impact of Gibbs' comments.

"How could [Gibbs] know what is going on in our districts?" Pelosi told her members in the caucus meeting in the basement of the Capitol Tuesday night. "Some may weigh his words more than others. We have made our disagreement known to the White House."

Then she turned to Turton and asked him to acknowledge that Gibbs' comments had been damaging to the Democratic cause, Democratic insiders said. Gibbs was not in the room for this meeting.

Turton, responding to both Pelosi and accusations from Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.), said Gibbs was speaking off the cuff and not from prepared material during a controversial appearance on Meet the Press Sunday, sources said.

The outburst from House Democrats illustrates the pressure lawmakers are feeling from an impending election and the strain of the tension – and occasionally enmity— that has characterized relations between an increasingly unpopular president and a House majority facing the possibility of huge electoral losses.

Democratic lawmakers also tried to pin their woes on the White House, saying that control of the House might not be in play if the Obama administration had done a better job of messaging on the party's agenda and accomplishments.

And while Gibbs’ remarks on “Meet the Press” on Sunday comport with the judgment of political prognosticators, they frustrated Democrats who understood the power they could have as fodder for Republicans in building support – financial and otherwise – for their House campaigns.
Gibbs made the mistake of speaking the truth, and truth to Pelosi is like sunlight to vampires (at least the ones that don't sparkle).  Pelosi will continue to try and project an image of confidence and strength...right up until the point she loses her majority.


Unknown said...

Don't you think this was planned in order to blame Republicans later on?

Mr. Richard said...

I think the Shark's smell blood in the water and are ready for one
horrendous attack, even so much as attacking each other in a fight to the death. Just one more instance of not being able to see the forest for all the trees. Yes the Democrats are in Big Trouble and some of them know it. The Big O and his bunch are sort of like the Titanic, they thought with their big membership, the unions, etc. they were too big to fail. Well, come November they just might hit the Iceberg and all hell break loose as their ship starts sinking.

Nightingale said...

The sinking of the HMS Obama can't come soon enough for me.

Sam L. said...

Let The Circular Firing Squad commence firing.