HolyCoast: Political Headline of the Day
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Political Headline of the Day

From CBS:
‎13% Believe President's Policies Have Helped Them
Let's see, who is it that makes up the 13%?

  • New Black Panther members who were let off the hook for voter intimidation.
  • Terrorists at Gitmo who were promised a trial in New York City.
  • Illegal aliens Obama refuses to pick up or even stop at the border.
  • Medical marijuana users that Obama refuses to prosecute even though it's still a federal crime.
  • Union thugs.
  • Sign painters responsible for all those "stimulus" project signs.
If you think of any others just put it in the comments.


Anonymous said...

100% - 13% = 87%.

Heh. Not even a "Hard 20%".

Bob Hughes said...

People who cashed out all their home equity, don't want to make their house payments and are able to forestall inevitable foreclosure and live rent-free by completing a "Home Affordable Modification Program" application. For a scathing report on this boondoggle, see:


Gombojav Tribe said...

Owners of abortion clinics.