HolyCoast: Public Support for Arizona Immigration Law Continues to Climb
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Public Support for Arizona Immigration Law Continues to Climb

The knuckleheads who continue to oppose the Arizona law are part of a shrinking minority (no pun intended):
Public support for Arizona’s controversial new immigration law has increased slightly, a new CBS News poll shows, with 57 percent of Americans characterizing the law as “about right” in the way it addresses the issue of illegal immigration.

Support for the measure increased five points since May. Since then, the Justice Department has filed suit against the law, claiming that it usurps federal authority to enforce immigration laws…

Twenty-three percent of Americans think the law goes too far, according to the poll, conducted July 9 – 12. That’s down five points from the 28 percent who said in May that the measure goes too far. Another 17 percent said it doesn’t go far enough.
America is clearly not getting on the anti-AZ bandwagon.  Obama is leading but no one is following.

Rasmussen adds this:
59% embarrassed by Political Class, 23% are not... Just 26% are embarrassed by Arizona...

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

He's not leading if nobody's following.