HolyCoast: Al Gore Not Handling Irrelevancy Very Well
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Al Gore Not Handling Irrelevancy Very Well

Poor Al Gore. With little evidence of global warming to be found and various "massage therapists" coming out to report on his "chakra" issues, he's become quite irrelevant. That's hard for a guy who was once hailed as the great savior of the world.

Today's he's trying to rekindle a spark of recognition among the global warming crowd with a call for protests:
Former Vice President Gore is calling for major rallies to protest congressional inaction on climate change.

In a post on his personal blog headlined “The Movement We Need,” Gore linked to and quoted from an Australian wire service report that “tens of thousands of protesters … have taken to the streets across Australia to urge the major political parties to take action on climate change.”

“Across the world, when politicians fail to take action to solve the climate crisis, people are taking action,” Gore wrote.

He added after excerpting the news report: “It is my hope we see activism like this here in the United States.”
Sorry, Al, but after nearly two years of Obama we're just not as susceptible to the cries of false prophets anymore.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

Yes, he's been put in the shade (cooling, isn't it) by someone else whose fall in popularity exceeds Al's. What's his name?