HolyCoast: Crowd Estimate at DC Rally 300-325...Thousand
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Crowd Estimate at DC Rally 300-325...Thousand

From Chuck Todd:
@chucktodd: Colleague @DomenicoNBC is on the mall, reports crowd estimate from Parks service is 300K-325K.
As opposed to the few hundred at Al Sharpton's "Let's Divide America" rally nearby.

UPDATE:  A photo of the crowd.


BubbaRich said...

Dude. Two lies in one little tweet! I'd be proud I passed it along!

I'll give you a couple of hints: NPS doesn't do crowd estimates any more.

FoxDC estimated "thousands" at Sharpton's rally. http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/news/local/reclaim-the-dream-march-in-dc-draws-big-crowd-

Rick Moore said...

Dude, NPS didn't provide the estimate - NBC News did: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/29/us/politics/29beck.html

Best estimate for Sharpton's "Let's Divide America" rally - 2,000, which is technically "thousands" since it's more than one thousand.