HolyCoast: Gutfeld Gets Results
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gutfeld Gets Results

Yesterday I told you about the plans to open a gay bar next to the NYC mosque which a Muslim group wants to build near Ground Zero. Greg Gutfeld, who is proposing the new entertainment site, and the Park 51 group that's building the mosque, got into a Twitter conversation today and after several back-and-forths something interesting happened (from Jim Geraghty):
The official Twitter account of the Park51 Lower Manhattan community center project -- colloquially known as the Ground Zero Mosque -- has told Fox News' Greg Gutfeld, in response to his proposal to open a bar catering to gay Muslims near the site:

You're free to open whatever you like. If you won't consider the sensibilities of Muslims, you're not going to build dialog.
Say, fellows... if you won't consider the sensibilities of non-Muslims, you're not going to build dialog, either.
We now have the mosque organizers explicitly demanding a standard of behavior from Gutfeld that they themselves refuse to meet for others.
As I said on the radio show this morning there really isn't much difference between radical Islam and the American left in the way they respond to opposition. Both demand tolerance and understand from their opponents while refusing to offer the same. They are so certain in their righteousness that they feel quite free to demand from others what they themselves won't give.

1 comment:

Carole said...

I ask, how can there be any reason to expect tolerance from a group of people whose holy books teach that if a person doesn't accept their belief they must be done away with, doesn't make any sense to me, and it certainly isn't a peaceful religion.