HolyCoast: Line of the Day
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Monday, August 09, 2010

Line of the Day

From Jim Geraghty, who in his Morning Jolt newsletter headlines a piece on Michelle Obama's extravagant European vacation this way:
If You Seem Vain in Spain, Your Reign Will Wane
He goes on:
The closing item in Friday's Jolt became a hot topic over the weekend. On one hand, Michelle Obama can take her kids on vacation anywhere she likes. On the other hand, the taxpayer picks up the tab for the security costs of the first lady's travels, and she's enjoying a trip that's not merely extravagant by the standards of most Americans; I'd bet it was extravagant by the standards of Michelle Obama until about, oh, 2009. Certainly the Michelle Obama of early 2004 would never have contemplated a trip that could cost up to $375,000.
The Obama's seem to be taking tone deafness to a whole new level. They act as though the perks of office are entitlements they deserve and not opportunities granted then for a limited time by the taxpayers who have to pick up the bill.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I heard they were millionaires, so they can go anywhere they want with anyone they want, and do anything they want.

I just wonder how they made the $ to become millionaires?

Maybe I need to become a community organizer?