HolyCoast: Marriage and Violence
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Marriage and Violence

Which relationships tend to have more violent conflicts, heterosexual or homosexual?  This study seems to suggest that gay marriage isn't all it's proponents think it might be:
A series of high-profile cases of lesbian-perpetrated domestic violence has sent shock-waves through Massachusetts communities in recent months…

Experts on lesbian domestic violence were shocked, but honestly not surprised by these incidents. Last November a report by the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs reported a 125% increase in domestic violence fatalities in lesbian and gay couples around the country during the prior year. According to Beth Leventhal of The Network/La Red of Boston, “partner abuse in LGBT communities can be just as lethal as that in heterosexual communities.”

Ms. Leventhal’s commentary actually understates the extent of the problem. Earlier this year the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research published the results of a survey of over 51,000 California adults . The UCLA study found 28% of persons in lesbian/gay relationships had experienced intimate partner violence, compared to 17% of persons in heterosexual relationships.
I'm sure gays go into marriage thinking their relationship will last forever and be loving just has heterosexuals do. However, the numbers seem to suggest that for gays that works out less often.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

What?? Women commit violence on their mates? Who woulda thunk it?