HolyCoast: Obama: States Should Be Able to Make Their Own Decisions...Except When I Don't Want Them Too
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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Obama: States Should Be Able to Make Their Own Decisions...Except When I Don't Want Them Too

Chuck Todd put this out regarding Obama's opinion on gay marriage:
WH adviser David Axelrod said the president still believes that decisions about marriage should be left up to the states.
So, will he be asking Eric Holder to file a brief supporting California's right to determine its own marriage laws? Probably not. And don't forget, Obama is as responsible as anyone for the passage of Proposition 8. His black and hispanic supporters who turned out in large numbers for him in the 2008 election also voted in large majorities for Proposition 8 and very well could have provided the margin of victory.

Of course, Obama isn't exactly Mr. Consistency. When Arizona wanted to defend itself against the onslaught of illegal aliens they were told that they could not make that decision for themselves. That was a federal issue.

It's time to return to the states the authority they were granted under the 10th amendment to the constitution, and to remove from the federal government the power they have usurped through constitution-hating lawmakers and judges.

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