HolyCoast: 47 Dems Want Tax Cuts for the "Rich"
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

47 Dems Want Tax Cuts for the "Rich"

Maybe they're closet Tea Partiers:
Forty-seven House Democrats broke with Democratic leaders Tuesday to call for an extension of current capital gains and dividends tax rates for the wealthy.

In a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats echoed many of the arguments that Republicans have made in urging extension of all the Bush tax cuts, which are due to expire Jan. 1.

They argued that “our economy is fragile,” and that raising these taxes would discourage saving and investment that the economy needs to grow. President Barack Obama wants to extend the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for 98 percent of taxpayers but allow them to expire for the highest-earning 2 percent of households.
I have my doubts that any bill to retain the Bush tax cuts will make it through Congress. And even if one does that includes retaining tax cuts for everybody, will Obama sign it? Maybe not.

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